Lots of fun Hammerkatz stuff happening in the next week:
First, this SATURDAY the NYU improv group Jessica is organizing an OIL SPILL FUNDRAISER
Where: Kimmel, 8th floor
When: Saturday, Oct 2nd, 8pm
Featuring: Dangerbox, N'Harmonics, Jessica, Captain Soldier, and us (Hammerkatz)
It's going to be a great night of NYU comedy, music, and more. And all the proceeds go to a great cause. You can buy your tickets by clicking here.
Also, this MONDAY we will be performing in the Commuter Circle's COMEDY NIGHT
Where: Kimmel, 8th floor
When: Monday, Oct 4th, 5:30pm
How much: FREE!
If you missed us during Welcome Week or last Saturday, then these shows are great times to check us out. And if you saw us at Welcome Week or last Saturday, still come check us out. Both of these shows should be a lot of fun.
HammerkatzNYU's next ALL-NEW ALL-FREE MONTHLY SHOW will be on Friday, October 29th on the 7th floor of the Silver Center.